What's On

Sunday Morning Meetings.

We meet from 10.30 for a 10.45 start in Ebenezer Chapel. In our meetings, we worship God with music and song; we share things we have learned during the week and also pray for each other; we listen to a message from the Bible given by a member of the church. We finish off with refreshments and a time to chat.

Daily Zoom Prayer

Connect with us on WhatsApp and find a daily Bible reading and a link to a Zoom prayer meeting at 7pm almost every day.

Monday Evening Prayer

Meet with the leadership team to pray from 8.15-8.45pm each Monday in Ebenezer. Bring any matters you want to discuss with the team

Tuesday Evening Ladies’ Fellowship

A relaxed evening with a Bible study, prayer and usually some puddings/cakes! Meet us at Emmanuel Church on Forge Road at 7pm to join in

Wednesday Bible Study / Prayer

This event takes place in the homes of people in our church family. It usually starts at 8pm but can vary in school holidays. Get in touch for more details!

Friday Night Youth Meetings

Aimed at secondary school age children and teens, our Friday evenings at Emmanuel (Forge Road) are a time for the younger members of the fellowship to grow in their faith. We have games as well as talks on topics that help the young people engage with God’s Word and challenge them to build a relationship with Jesus.

More Information?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of our home page